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The Cycle Breaker
Parenting Workshop Series

Learn What it Takes to Create a More Peaceful Family Life

Only $47


A workshop for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers who want to feel less stressed out, angry, defeated, frustrated, confused, and helpless and instead to feel more:







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I know I don’t have to convince you that parenting is no joke. It is the most challenging and the most important role that any of us parents will ever have. 


So, why is it so hard? Why do our kids have to challenge us so much?


Why can’t we more easily give our kids the love, patience, and support that we want to give them?


And why do we sometimes sound like our mom?

You are not alone my friends and help is on the way!

Dandelion Leaves

Join me for a 2-part workshop series to help you learn how to find more joy in parenting by:

Learning how to set boundaries with your kids.

Understanding why you are triggered and what to do about it.

Knowing how your childhood experiences affect your parenting.

Learning how to parent with PLACE (playfulness, love, acceptance, curiosity, and empathy)

And much more!!

In this interactive workshop, participants will get to ask questions and receive coaching about their specific parenting dilemmas. I will provide deep wisdom, tools, and even homework for those who are eager to learn a new way of navigating their parenting role.

Only $47!

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Why take this workshop from me?

I’ve been a trauma therapist for over 25 years and a mom for 21 of them. I appreciate the complexities of being a parent, especially for people who were not properly nurtured growing up. In my work, I utilize the vast professional knowledge I’ve gathered as a clinician, and the personal wisdom I have gained in my quest to become a cycle breaker, to raise my children differently than how I was parented. 


I wrote about my journey in my book: Cycle Breaker: A Guide to Transcending Childhood Trauma. I’m on a mission to help others become cycle breakers too. I believe we are all in this together and if you are winning, I am winning. 


I provide a supportive and compassionate container for my groups while offering a great depth of understanding about why people suffer and what to do about it. I’m committed to offering life transforming wisdom and concrete and simple steps that overwhelmed people need to make the changes in their life they desire.

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Sign Up Here

Cycle Breaker Parenting Workshop

DATES: Part 1 - TBA 

Part 2 - TBA

COST: $47 or Free for Soul Circle members


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